Blogging with a 12 year old, 3 year old, almost 2 year old and 2 month old doesn't come easy for me, obviously. I don't know where the day goes, but it does..... go, that is. And fast.
Mason is getting so big. We had his 2 month appt yesterday and he is 14lbs 12oz. He is in the 96th percentile for weight and the 90th for length. He's got a couple nicknames already but I think we could certainly add "Moose" to the list of them.
My folks were here for a week and a half and just left yesterday. While it is nice to have our small home back to "just us." I already miss all the help they provide! My mom always keeps things picked up and the kitchen clean. She takes the kids for walks (when it's not raining) and plays card and board games with Wyatt. My dad helps with the little ones, does odd jobs around the house that have needed done for some time. He helps Wyatt with homework and runs errands in town. It's like having 3 of me to go around! I so appreciate it. But, my "vacation" is now over and it's back to the ol' grindstone!
While my parents were here I did get some quilting done. I finished this quilt for my friends little girl.
I completely cheated on this one because although it does look like patchwork, it's just a print. But such a cute print that I have more of it to make one for Timber!
this quilt? (I know, it's been a while.) Well, it's amazing how quilting, binding and washing a quilt can make it grow on you! That never ceases to amaze me. Here it is, finished and ya know what? I actually like it! :) I was going to list it in the shop but my mom "stole" it for my cousin who is due to have her first baby next month!
I also got to finish the top of Mason's little quilt using the Goodnight Monkey flannel fabric I bought. My kids always end up with a quilt for their beds but they have to also have one of those "blankies" that they tote around or always have to have when they sleep. This one will be Mason's. As soon as it's done I'll share some photos!
So great! I'm glad that you had such a nice visit with Auntie Bev and Uncle Al, it's such a blessing that they could be there to help, too! I'm glag the kids liked their gifts, and you liked the scarves for you girls:) That made my day!!!
these quilts are fantastic. i love the american jane fabrics. can't wait to see the monkey quilt
My he is growing quickly! Be careful with those nicknames...they have a tendancy to stick for life!
Great quilted panel & pinwheels!
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