Are you a fan of Heather Ross fabrics? Do you love the out of print ones? 3 great fabrics, including the oh so popular pink camper, were used to create these coasters! I purchased them on Etsy with a purpose. Then it changed. Now I have coasters....and no coffee table or any other type of table that may require a coaster. So, I'm giving them away!

What an awesome giveaway!
Something fun about me? hmm...I am a foster mom and have adopted 3 kids through the foster care system...I don't know if that counts or not...but I think it is pretty fun :)
What cute coasters! Right now there's nothing much fun about me although the path report was benign...Thank God! That was found out last Tuesday and Thursday morning I couldn't get out of bed because my right knee was swollen to the size of a cabbage. I've been on crutches ever since and waiting for an appointment with an orthopedic doc. But it could always be worse so I'm thanking God the pain is now manageable due to copious amounts of Motrin taking the swelling down.
TMI, eh? -grin-
Those are really cute! I agree with Foster Momma...we have adopted 6 and it IS pretty fun! Something fun...I like hiking in the mountains, but I'm not very good at it! (Which is fun for anyone watching!)
These are great. I'm a closet video game freak, and I love it! I can take out alot of frustations.
I love the pink camper! I don't think I had ever spent the night in a hotel until I was 13 or 14. I wasn't on a plane until I was 15. My family drove and camped everywhere we went (even Disney World)!
cute! hmm something fun about me....i love pinnapple as long as it is not on pizza. haha random sorry but it is the first thing i thought of :)
these are really cute!!! something about myself huh...my friends used to tell me that i was funny, but i was never trying to be!
Those are adorable!
And, I'm a foster mom too. We haven't adopted any - yet - though. :) We currently have 4 kids and are awaiting our next placement. Keeping my fingers crossed for a sibling group.
so cute, my fun is going out on the lake and trying to catch fish. I mean try because I usually don't catch anything I can keep, but love it no matter.
What adorable coasters! I'm actually glad to see them, because a friend just asked me to make her coaster's, so now I have an idea as to what I should do!
Something fun about myself? Oh dear...I am sitting here blank! I love my kids and pretty much try to be a great mom to them...not sure if I'm fun or not, but I sure hope so!
Wow on the coasters! as for the something, I'm pretty handy at fixing toilets. Especially dorm room ones with the cheap plumbing and ancient workings. :) Oh, and I just finished my first quilt top.
Excited to be joining your following!
Pick me, pick me! Okay cous...what do you not know about me...hmmm. That's not going to work. So for your other readers: I am a paper-craft maven, who is just learning to sew. I sewed while in Jr. High, but that was oh...too many years ago. So, I bought myself a machine at Thanksgiving...HELLO Black Friday @ Walmart!! I am also training for Seattle's Race for the Cure 5K in June:)
I love, love, love coffee & my one coaster is getting a little ragged. Thanks for the give away!
Something fun about me? My 13-yo daughter who is currently highly annoyed with me would say "NOTHING!" But what does she know? Maybe that I'm the go-to person in the house for getting spiders and bees back outside where they belong?
Something interesting about me….my favorite book of all time is Scarlet Letter, which I read every year just to remember how much I love it! Weird, I know…because the ending never changes.
I would love to win these! Thank you!
Thanks for the opportunity to be put into the drawing to win your coasters. Sorry about the coffee table! Now to tell you something fun about me?? Pop over to my blog......something is always going on"
: mother of 4 boys, one daughter inlaw, numerous pets (some I didn't even know we had until my son asked me: "what do giunea pigs eat?") RN= Now thats fun! Meeting new people!!
The coasters are really cute :) i don't know if it's fun or not, but I spend a lot of time bathing cattle.
I am a big Heather Ross fan, so I love your coasters! I remember the old VW vans when we used to camp as kids - lots of fun memories!
Love your giveaway and I have a coffee table! My husband says " you're always laughing and you love to dance". I don't know if that's fun to you! Thanks for the chance.
The coasters are delightful, and as we keep small grandnieces it gives them each a special coaster for their drinks. Funny thing about me: I used to be a corporate technology exec (until outsourcing to foreign countries hit the industry) -- yet I did not even have a home phone until age 15 ... and then it was a party line and long distance to all my high school buddies. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Great coasters! I'm a new quilter - and am totally hooked on fabric. Shh, don't tell my boyfriend but I hide some under the bed. :)
Thank you for the chance to win - they're beautiful! Something fun about myself - I love going on roadtrips spur of the moment and having a good time.
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com
So generous! I love those fabrics and the coasters are adorable. Let's see - something fun... let's see. I was addicted to knitting, but now I love sewing so much I'll let my son play with balls of yarn so I have more time to work with fabric :)
I will enter if this is international! :)
Lets see..something fun about me..
Im really not that interesting, I can speak 2 languages perfectly and am learning a 3rd..thats fun for me :P
Something fun about me, let's see. I'm a Twilight geek and I love to rhyme words together sometimes being silly with my teenage son. He thinks I'm pretty goofy.
I love these! They would be totally sweet in my girls-only room!
ooh I love the coasters!
I spend too much time playing FB games!!
I love to quilt (who doesn't) but I am getting a long arm sewing machine today and it was all I could think about last night, so if I wasn't day dreaming what I would do with it I was dreaming about it!
Those coasters are so sweet! I am a Pastor's wife who loves the Lord.
Awesome giveaway..
hmmm.. something fun about me.. let's see.. I'm originally from Fargo, that's usually a good conversation starter!
Just last night I was telling my husband that you can never have too many coasters. We have 8 in the living room alone and it seems like I can never find one when I need one.
I frequently can't get to sleep at night because I have fabric combos & quilt patterns running through my head.
I'd love to win the coasters. Something fun about myself is that I like to play the guitar.
vivafire at gmail dot com
Sweet coasters! We need babysafe coasters here bigtime. Something fun - I will stop whatever I'm doing if star trek the next generation comes on TV- even though I've seen all the episodes!
cute coasters...what fun...although my daughter would probably use them for small blanets for her littlest babies! fun about me...got my hair cut jamie lee curtis short 4 weeks ago and love it!
These are so cute! I love them. So, something fun about myself? I like to run in the rain! Is that fun, or just funny? Or maybe just weird.....
Something fun about myself- I love to knit and crochet but can't sew to save my life!
Thanks for the giveaway.
nupur.kittur AT gmail DOT com
Fun giveaway!
Something fun about me...? Even though I have FOUR (ack!) knitting projects in progress, I'm planning to cast on again tonight...with a gift for a friend who's just announced she's expecting!
Thanks for the chance to win!
ejm6x (at) yahoo (dot) com
Thank you for a pretty giveaway.
These coasters are fabulous, and I love Heather Ross! Having just made (and shipped) coasters in a swap, I've realized how much I'd love a set for my coffee table! *fingers crossed!*
i am about to start my first quilt and am using Heathers material! Mermaids :O) I'd love these coasters!
mondocurio at gmail dot com
I love these! I'm always up for an adventure and never hesitate to pack up my three boys to take them on a journey.
These are so cute!
Anyways, I love scrapbooking and Disney. I think that is a fun fact about me!
These are really cute!! Something fun about me?? I don't know??? I like to have fun, but I don't know what's fun about me = maybe I need me some coasters to let me have some drinks with my girls and find out what's fun about me!!
These are adorable! Hmm..something fun? I'm in the process of starting a crocheting business on Etsy!
Love Heather Ross and those coasters are awesome.
Something fun - through blogging I became the personal shopper for a famous fabric designer for props for her booth at Quilt Market!!!! So fun!!
I love Heather Ross fabrics, so cute! Something about myself...I never thought I liked tea until I tried putting cream in it the other day and now I just can't get enough of it! Funny how cream makes everything taste better. :) You are so sweet to do this giveaway!
Oh, do I love me some Heather Ross! Too bad for me I'm late to the party/new to quilting :( But I can at least admire it online.
I just last week started feeding my chickens fermented mash from our local brewery. The rooster has become more aggressive - is he intoxicated? Cute coasters. Love those pink campers!
the coasters are great love the pink camper ones, a funny fact rather than fun I have suddenly started to via off in any direction whilst walking the dogs (crazy) I know I hope I don't end up walking into traffic lol
Oh those are adorable! So something fun about me...as I was browsing through comments left by others, I saw katia's comment about pineapple pizza...I love pineapple, especially on pizza!
I love your coasters, they are so cute!!! My little daughter makes a lot of fun in my life, she is my source of good mood!!!
LOVE the pink campers...
Something fun about me? According to my kids, I am the "Stuffed Animal Whisperer." The animals "tell" me their names and what their voices sound like... This is endlessly amusing to my 3 girls in any store with a variety of stuffies on the shelf! To say nothing of the animals we have at home...
Strange, but fun!
Nice coasters! My kids will tell you that I'm no fun at all, but whenever they come up with a crazy idea to do something fun, I'm always the first one to jump on it and get everyone going! And I love a good roller coaster!
These coasters are so cute. One fun fact about myself is that I am a foodie who dreams of being the next Rachel Ray
they are adorable!
something fun about my self: that i like to full around with my kids and act like a kid my self some times .. :-)
Those are so cute!
Jennifer :)
They are very nice coasters. I would to love to win them. I love playing cards for fun.
Cute cute cute!
Hmmm... something fun about me... I really like music and even better I love to sing. But not in a performance kind of way, just around my house, in the shower, in the car, when I'm cleaning. The louder the better.
Thanks for the cute giveaway.
spackattak7 at hotmail dot com
I like the interesting entry format! Well, I'm the mommy of three lil babies, Addie, Jake, and Liam--and they are 2 years old, 1 year old, and 3 months old. Crazy, right? But it's so much fun.
something fun about me...hmmm...i get to drive a different car everyday and haven't bought gas since it was 1.50 a gallon...
a perk of my hectic crazy job...
adorable coasters...really hope i win!!
I'd love to win the Heather Ross coasters! And I almost didn't click on this post because I am piled up in Bloglines! I'm glad I did. Something fun about me? I LOVE to go, go, go on daytrips, fun outings, etc. This week I'm on bed rest, and it's almost more than I can stand! :)
Crazy cute giveaway! Something fun is that when my son irritates the crap out of me I sing show tunes at the top of my lungs.
Yes, I realize he will need professional help sooner than later, thank you.
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