Time for another giveaway of fabric! This one includes 13 batik fat quarters. I'm just not a batik person so these have to be purged from my stash! :)

To enter, leave a comment here and tell me about how you're getting ready for spring. One winner will be drawn this coming Monday (March 22nd.)
And don't forget to follow along- there will me more fabric giveaways!
How am I getting ready for Spring?? Let me count the ways....
cleaning out, hauling out, hanging out, airing out ..
need I say more? :)
I LOVE fabric, one can never have enough!
Please include me in your drawing. And have a very blessed day!
I've been getting ready for spring by tidying up my fabric stash. Which leaves me room for pretty fabrics like these :)
What a super cool giftaway!
What I'm doing to get ready for spring is organizing all my vintage linens, renovating a family room, and waiting for my yard to dry out so I can get out there and work!
Well I've been praying for Spring since the start of winter. I am not a cold weather person.
Other than that I am getting the yard cleaned up, and need to clean out the flower beds.
How am I getting ready for spring?
Throwing open the windows and letting fresh air in. I will also have to start the daunting task of pre-move purging and packing. UGH!!
arrrrgh! Blogger just lost everything I just typed. Phooey!
For gosh sakes do I have to retype the wholegoshdarn thing again?
Guess so.
get my bathing suit out.....
get the garden ready for planting....
get quilts made for the National Quilt Day.....
lose weight to fit in bathing suit.....
reduce my stash of fabrics.....
win gorgeous fat quarters from you!
Spring means cleaning, purging, recycling, Easter play practices, sewing costumes, planning the garden, Easter play, cleaning, purging...you get the drift! It's busy around here right now:) And I'm going to have to go to the doc for my arm...I'm having to pick-key-type:( I want to post on my blog, but it's so SLOW this way!
Cleaning up the yard! We have lots of limbs and junk around the yard from the ridiculous snows, so it's all got to be cleaned off so the daffs can come up!
I am doing a little spring cleaning in the house and escaping outside whenever it is nice weather. I found an old rosebush yesterday in the corner of the yard of this old farm house I am staying in.
I've cleaned out a couple of closets, made a trip to Goodwill to donate the purges, and the most telling Spring thing of all......I'm going to the spring Nascar race at Bristol tomorrow!!
I have been working on simplifying my life....less is better except when it comes to Fabric! Organizing my closets & getting a bigger & bigger pile ready for the Goodwill....
We're mowing lawns and cleaning out the chicken coop in preparation for chicks! Not as much fun as going through fabric (which really needs to be done) but the sun is shining and I'm taking advantage of that!
I love those batik fabrics!!! Right now I am visiting my husband in Knoxville, TN, he has been working here since last July. Last weekend I went to a quilt show and this weekend I am going to go to the Smokey Mountain Quilt Show. I am so inspired!! When I go home next week, I plan to clean out both garages, and my mom and I have to clean out our sewingroom so that we can take pictures for our quilt guilds "virtual sewingroom tour". I am also in the process of gathering fabrics to donate to Kat, a lady in Texas that makes and donates quilts all over the country, and she works totally from donations, isn't that awesome!?!?!?!
I haven't made anything with batiks. I'm up for a challenge though!
I am cleaning my sewing room. I am trying to put projects together to be organized. I have great windows that overlook our beautiful Clear Lake and so I really want this ready for a great and organized spring and summer.
Well, we are doing major landscape front and back including leveling of the yard, new sod, planters etc! Big project but we have snow coming this weekend! Yuck! Glad we didn't start last weekend!
Would love to be in drawing! Thanks!
What cool batiks! I will welcome spring by raking my yard in preparation for our upcoming Easter egg hunt! That and adding a few more chicks to our small flock.
I LOVE batiks!!! I have several of McKenna Ryan's wall hanging patterns, and they mostly use all batiks! Your stash would be perfect! Thanks for the chance.
Well, for spring....just today I ordered 2 big dump truck loads of mulch, and one load arrives bright and early tomorrow morning at 8. The other next Tuesday. I have my work cut out for me. I usually spell spring...m-u-l-c-h! :)
These are pretty, and could be so fun. For spring, I'm opening the windows, and airing the quilts- happy spring! Thanks for the giveaway!
I am getting ready for spring by finishing up a denim picnic quilt project before it's time to get outside and cleanup the garden beds for planting early veggies!
It's still a bit on the cool side here, though we have had some nicer days this week so I'm taking advantage of that and starting to clean up the yard a bit!
I am getting ready for spring by trying to finsh up a denim picnic quilt project before it its time to get outside and cleanup the garden beds for planting early veggies!
Hmm...I haven't done a whole lot of getting ready for spring yet. I'm sure I'll be outside in the next couple of weeks cleaning up some flower beds!
Getting ready for spring... in the garden OF COURSE!
I love the idea, but don't put me in for the give away. I don't sew AT ALL! I am hopeful the Lord doesn't call me to acquire this skill at this time. I love watching your creations come to life, though.
How did the sauerkraut come out?
Wow...that's an amazingly generous give away!
I have been packing away the winter coats, hats and gloves...opening windows in the apartment...rolling down windows in the car and taking walks with the children.
Spring is a very busy time in my life, so I'm mentally preparing for what is to come in the weeks ahead! =)
Beautiful fabric! What an awesome give-away!
We are getting ready for Spring by cleaning up and tilling the gardens. Getting ready to plant our fruits and veggies in the next couple weeks.
We are also clearing out an area for goats. Our 13 year old daughter wants goats and has saved up to get one or two.
Christie (www.luvncrafts.etsy.com
Great giveaway!! I've been changing the decor in my home and doing lots of reorganization! :)
thanks for opportunity!
the typical spring cleaning and purging but what I'm really excited about is we planted a garden (small but a start) finally this year... yipee!!
That fabric is gorgeous!
I am getting ready for Spring by starting to put away the heavy winter garb and slowly pulling out short sleeves and brighter colors. Yippee!!!
Getting ready for spring by prepping for craft shows! Those fabrics are beautiful!
I've never used batiks but every time I see a quilt or project made with them I think they are absolutely beautiful.
Did you have a specific project in mind when you bought these?
Getting ready for spring? It's funny, I just posted about this very thing actually. What our family has been busy doing and how it is so hard to keep up with it all!
I'm sure you know exactly what I'm saying!
I know it is Spring when my daffodils and crocuses are up and blooming. I love the colors. We are in NJ so tons of snow and my flowers just popped up. We are also planning a Seder at my Church.
How to welcome spring? Just look at all the beauty blooming!! The world around us is waking up!!
It's like smelling the coffee before you realize it's there, tempting and comforting, with a wonderful hint of what's to come.
Here? cleaning and getting my 'nest' in order, as well as exploring future sewing and crafting ideas!
Spring is my favorite season, i think it is for many!
Yard work and Spring cleaning.
I like to get some deep cleaning done before the nice weather comes. I've taken down my snowman collection and won't put up anything until I get the walls washed where they were. I have my catch all room to declutter and baby proof...my grandson walks now and is into everything!
Those are lovely batiks...I don't use them often, but when I do they make a stunning project!
Spring, its almost Spring??? AHHH! Well this year is a little different than normal. Usually I would be getting flowers planted and seedlings would be sprouting in my laundry room. But not this year. This year I am learning how to live with 7 people in a 30 foot travel trailer and enjoying traveling full time.
I love this fabric, like love love love!
Love the batiks! I'm getting ready for Spring by doing some Spring cleaning (including from my stash so I'll have more room to put new fabric...maybe even thses batiks!
Those batiks are GORGEOUS! We have been repainting our business signs, trimming back the shrubs, cleaning out planting beds, mulching & hoping the bands of rain will break long enough for the ground to dry so we can till the garden! How about you!?
I came across your blog on MJF :) I'd love to be entered in your giveaway!! Destashing is a perfect springtime activity...I'm getting ready for spring by switching some decor in my house for a lighter feeling. :)
We are doing A LOT of spring cleaning around our house. Mostly purging and getting rid of things we don't need along with making things nice and sparkley clean for spring. I love being able to open the windows!
I am making sure I'm getting all my vitamins, because summer is busy! Travelling & keeping up with quilting ideas is hard. lol
I'd love a chance to win. Thanks for the opportunity
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