Saturday, October 31, 2009


It's Saturday. Happy Halloween! And no, there is still no baby. So much for an October birthday. Here's the update....... I spoke with my midwife yesterday and we decided to cancel my November 3rd appt. I mean, what's the point of driving 2 hours for an appt just to say, "Nope, you still haven't had that baby yet?" That would be obvious. So instead we set up an induction date. I wanted November 6th for a few different reasons but my midwife would not be able to be there that day so that was out. My next choices were the 5th or the 9th. The 9th would put me at exactly 42 weeks and my midwife didn't want me going past 41. So we settled on the 5th. I'm not too excited about it though. See, the 5th is my birthday. Now I personally am not big on birthdays so it doesn't bother me one bit that I will probably be in massive pain on that day or that I'll share my birthday with my little man. I was hoping though that he would have his own special day and not have to share it with me. So, I need more labor prayers!! I obviously won't be induced if I go into labor before then on my own. (Oh, and on the induction, it's really not that big of a deal since my midwife will just break my water to induce- no meds.)


Anonymous said...

I understand your poing on his own special day. I am sure you have tried all the usual things to get the ball rolling. Take long walks, etc.

Blessings for an easy delivery!

Lynette said... prescription for putting yourself into labor worked on all our kiddos...but you need Gavin's participation ;)

sewfunquilts said...

Best to you and baby, and here's hoping he gets his own special day!

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