Wow, it seems like forever since I've blogged. Oh wait, no, it doesn't just
seem like it, it has been forever!
We have had quite a few things going on that have kept my fingers and my mind away from the computer world. Here's what's been happening:
1. Mason. That little baby is a peach. I am so in love with that little boy. He's had a couple ups and downs though lately. A couple weeks ago he burned his hand (pretty bad) and has been having to have it wrapped (and re-wrapped) twice a day. It is healing really well though and I'm hoping to have the wrap off by next week.
He has just started walking and is doing so well. He also is turning 1 this Friday, which is coincidentally my birthday as well! We won't mention my age though. And Wyatt just turned 13 a week or so ago.
2. The pigs are getting bigger, and bigger and bigger. No longer cute little piglets, they smell and I'm ready to butcher. Butchering them will have to wait until January though.
3. Speaking of butchering, the turkey's official D-day ("D" meaning death) is November 20
th. Only 17 more days with those little ladies. Phew.
4. My dad had heart surgery last week and is now home and doing pretty well. The surgery went well but there are still a few things to be worked out in the next month or so.
5. We've had a bear coming around that has been creating quite a few problems for us and the neighbors. I guess this year is pretty bad with bears here. Overpopulation, not a good thing with bears.
6. All 3 of my little kids were sick with the flu in the last week. That wasn't pretty.
7. Gavin and I have been volunteering on Wed nights at church with "Kids JAM" and it's going well. Love to see the kids hearing about the Lord and having a great time too!
8. I'm still working on covering up most of the garden. The herbs stay where they are though and I got garlic in the ground about 2 weeks ago.
9. I've had a little extra time to read and have been reading
this book by Debi Pearl. Wow, it's good and while I would say that I do most of the things in the book that Debi talks about, she really enlightened me in a few areas that I need to improve. Great read. I'd highly recommend it to all wives!
That's about it here. What have you been up to?
Since it is fall I wanted to share this recipe. I actually got the original recipe
here and then had to modify it quite a bit for what I had on hand. The results? Pretty darn good if I do say so myself. Perfect for fall.
Pumpkin Cake Bars With Cinnamon Icing (my way)
For the Pumpkin Cake:
1 1/2 c pumpkin pie mix (that eliminates the honey and spices)
1 c peanut butter (because really, almond butter is WAY too expensive here)
2 eggs (from pastured hens!)
1 1/2 t baking powder
1/2 t baking soda
1 t vanilla extract
For the Cinnamon Icing:
1 box instant icing (as pictured below)
1 tsp cinnamon
Preheat your oven to 350F.
In a medium sized bowl, combine all the cake ingredients and mix thoroughly to combine. Pour into an 8×8 oven safe baking dish (I suspect you could squeeze 12 cupcakes out of this recipe if you use a muffin tin). Bake until completely cooked through, about 30 minutes.
I baked mine in a 8.5" pie plate and then made my frosting after the cake was baked. When cooled, I frosted it. Then we inhaled.

The only thing I would do next time is not put as much frosting on. It was too sweet for me. If you have a HUGE sweet tooth though like my hubby then it's, "just the right amount."
One of the greatest things about this recipe though is that it's grain free! Yep, you read that right- no flour! And if you follow the recipe for the icing that's in the original recipe then it can be milk free too (in case you have someone with that allergy.)
I'm going to try and quilt some more in the next few months and the next thing I'm planning on sharing here is how to bind a quilt (just for you Lisa!)
Keeping my fingers crossed that I can get to that in the next few weeks.
Plus, I'm planning on a book giveaway later this month. Stay tuned!