Our health food store here in Po-Dunk doesn't carry them but the huge health food store in Eureka does. And I travel through Eureka about once every 5 weeks to go see my midwife. Thank heavens the store is an hour and a half away because otherwise I'd seriously have a problem.
These cookies taste just like the Girl Scout Thin Mints except there is no hydrogenated oils and no HFCS!! Yep, just normal ingredients. So please, do not try them. Because then you'll blame me for the extra 5 lbs around your waist! :)
Timber Ann. Yes, Gavin did put her shirt on backwards.
Our first tomato
The little red house is inhabited by a sweet little bird family.
And in other news, my camera's memory card is not only not working but is now lost. I'd better go get a new one soon because I already wanted to take some shots this morning and couldn't. (OT: Do you know that it's hard to type with a 15mo on your lap?) Ooooh and I just found out in the last week that 2 girlies I know that have been trying to conceive for a LONG time are both pregnant! How cool is that?
Wow, this is almost turning into a Monday randomness post. Sorry 'bout that. Moving on.
So the real reason I was staring this post today was to talk about a sweet little blessing. Our ultrasound went well last night. It was neat to see the baby but not really as fascinating as it was with my first. Gavin and I talked for a while beforehand about whether we should find out the sex or not. Gavin still really did not want to. I had to agree to move the jungle gym for the kids to a different location if we found out. I'm laughing as I type this because that is just so silly. I really don't want to move the gym but o.k., whatever Gavin wants. :) I guess my main reason for wanting to know was that I was really wanting another little boy. If this baby was a girl then I'd want to have another child after this one. If it was a boy then we could be "done." So now we know- it's a boy! Gavin can go get some surgery and we can officially be done repopulating the earth. We're good with 4. But I'm not making any guarantees until surgery is complete if ya know what I mean. A few of you have heard the "we're done" line before.
I also FINALLY got a new quilt up in the shop! It's been quilted and done for about 2 months now I just finally got around to putting the binding on it. You can see it here.