Quilts: 3 entered- 2 no placing- 1 honorable mention
Dolls: 1 entered- 2nd place- "Timber Ann"
Jams: 2 entered- 2 First Place- Blackberry and Plum
Lettuce: Loose Leaf Red entered- 2nd place
Cornbread: First place
Blueberries: no placing
Raspberries: 2nd place
Wyatt's Lego Car Entry: First place!
So, while I am disappointed with the quilts, I am super happy with all the other entries! Plus, the fair is fun to enter no matter if you win or lose. I'm already plotting for next year and thinking of all the other produce I could enter!
We'll take a day off from the fair tomorrow and then head back on Saturday when Gavin can join us. Plus the Rodeo is Saturday at 4pm. Can't miss that! I promise, this time I will take pictures to share!