Did I miss winter? Did it come and go and I blinked? We have had such wonderful weather here over the past few months. We did have an occasional rain/wind storm (which is our normal daily forecast in the winter) but otherwise the weather has been really nice. It has been cold, this morning was 34 degrees, but it is sunny!
I don't know if I'm just getting my hopes up or if we really will have a mild winter and an early spring.
I'm already figuring out which garden seeds I need to order on my next Azure order. I still have some seed from last year that I will put to use in the garden this spring too.
Along with spring comes thoughts of new life and if you're of the farm girl type, that new life often includes baby chicks.
This will be Layton's first year in 4-H. Since he is under 9 years of age, he has joined 4-H Mini. He'll be able to show a chicken at the fair this year and this has gotten his mama (me) so excited. I'm going chick crazy. At first I thought he could just show a Buff Orpington since those are the chickens that we primarily keep and they are friendly and docile to boot.
Then I remembered last year at the fair. EVERYONE had a Buff Orpington chicken. So we decided that this year we're going to be "different"... in a good way.
I have on order....... Black Australorps,

Partridge Rocks,

Speckled Sussexs,

and Golden Laced Wyandottes.

I'm going to let Layton decide what he wants to show but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the Speckled Sussex. They are such a unique, beautiful bird!
We also hatched 8 baby chicks in a loaned incubator here at home a few days ago. If you follow me on Facebook then you've seen their picture!
I'm hoping that we're in for a wonderful fair and harvest of eggs starting in August.