Wyatt has been attending public school (with 1 year of private school thrown in there around 5th grade) and Gavin and I have decided that next year I will start home schooling him. This has been a decision that I've been praying about for a while. For those of you who don't know already, Wyatt is my stepson. Gavin and I married shortly after his 7th birthday. At that point, I really hadn't given much thought to school. Wyatt went to a public school and that was that. Over the past 4 years though I have begun to think about what I wanted to do for Layton. It has just been a natural progression that I've come to the conclusion that I wanted to homeschool my little kids.
Of course, it then hit me that I'd be starting homeschooling, beyond preschool, with a high school kid! At that point, fear set in. How am I going to begin in high school?? It sounds much easier to start at kindergarten and work your way up rather than be thrust into a 9th grade curriculum. So I prayed, and prayed and prayed. And Gavin prayed. Was this the right thing to do?

I am now very excited to be starting high school with him next year. The Lord has really given me a peace about it, a confidence that yes, I can do this!
A terrific little help to me has been the Vision Forum book, "Building a Winning Curriculum." This book puts together ideas and suggestions for you through each subject using the resources available on their web site. I have decided that I will be using this curriculum for Wyatt's history next year and I can't wait to start it!

If you'd like to win a copy of "Building a Winning Curriculum" for yourself, or someone you know that may be new to homeschooling then please follow these rules:
This giveaway is open to everyone!
Giveaway ends February 18th at 8pm PST
For 1 entry, please leave a comment below; any kind of comment is fine.
For a 2nd entry, please Facebook or Tweet about the giveaway and leave another comment telling me that you did
For a 3rd entry, please blog about it and leave another comment telling me that you did
Winner will be drawn randomly by Random.org on or around the 19th.
I totally understand that 'sick' feeling you experience. I've been there with the knots in the stomach and the all around feeling that I am doing something wrong. So glad you decided to homeschool your son and I pray the year will be great.
I think this is a great choice for a give away. You can definitely count me in on this one. I too love Vision Forum.
I think homeschooling is a neat idea. How does Wyatt feel about that? I think it's awesome that you're looking out for all your kids ;) :) So cool!!! Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :) :)
p .s. I don't have kids or homeschool, so don't count me in this giveaway...I just liked your post and reading about how you prayed when making your decision to homeschool :) :) :)
homeschooling is what we do...so that book would be great. perhaps it would help take out some of the questions when picking curriculum. you re so great to do these book giveaway's all the time. i can not imagine doing high school....i have not let my brain go there yet.
So excited for this new endeavor you and your family are taking. It will pay off even when it seems the school day will never end. The Lord wont over look your efforts to walk your children down the straight and narrow. Nor will he over look your diligence in following his will. Your story is very inspiring and I'm so Thankful you shared. It's also very encouraging to see your love for your oldest. Having a blended family isn't always easy and seeing your success through faith is very helpful!
I facebooked and blogged it if you want to check it out!!
Let me encourage you - making the decision to home school has been one of the best decisions we've made. I have not found one day that God hasn't given me what I've needed.
Just one thing - it does take a while for a person previously schooled to get used to being home schooled - but once they do you will love the peace that fills your house. When God guides & you follow, He will enable you to do what He asks!
Praying for you
PS The giveaway sounds great!
I would love to be entered in this giveaway!!! We are still in the praying stage of deciding to homeschool our youngest 2. so this book would be a great help:)
I'm so glad you're doing this. You will be so glad you brought him home.
I'd love to be entered into your giveaway.
This sounds like a wonderful book. I willl be praying for your new adventure.
Ithink I could use this puppy. Hook a sister up!
This looks great!
looks great!
I'm so glad you made the decision to home school even though it's starting with H.S. It's not too late! I've graduated 2 from home school and one more will be done this year, so if you need any advice, help, encouragement...let me know, I'm here for anything you need. You don't know how excited I am for you and your family. I will be praying for you all because it will be a big transition. One word of God's wisdom, DON'T GIVE UP WHEN IT GETS TOUGH!!!
Oh and count me in for the drawing, I've been wanting this book for my library.
Blessings from Tennessee...Christa
I let all my friends know on Facebook.
I posted about your giveaway on my blog.
I know exactly how you feel! We didn't start out with homeschool, but have eventually been pulled in that direction. I have a 16 year old son in private school, but I homeschool my second grader and will homeschool my next little guy. I keep feeling like our 16 year old should be here too. It's kind of like we are on an island and he is out "there". He will be a junior next year though, and it seems a little late in the game now to bring him home. Also, I feel scared to death to teach high school or keep transcripts...what to do, what to do? I hate feeling like I will do this for the little guys because I think it's "best", but not for our oldest son because it may be too hard, too scary, too late.
I will be anxious to see what else you come up with for curriculum and how you move forward with your plan!
wow!!! what a huge decision! And one that I'm sure God will bless you and Gavin for making.
How does Wyatt feel? Is he ok with being at home? I know that you will do great with him.
He's a blessed boy to have parents like you guys.
Sounds like a wonderful book. It is never too late to teach your children how to teach themselves. It may not be as easy as it would have been earlier, but God knows what He is doing. Persevere!
Would love to win this book, for my own 8.
My child has been attending a private christian school but all her friends are homeschoolers. I have been feeling the past couple of years that we need to homeschool. But how can we when I need to work for the insurance? Would love to read this book as it might have some insights on how we could homeschool. Or we could keep praying that one of our friends would offer to teach her with their kids! L.P.
I just found your blog through Plain and Joyful living blog...I enjoyed reading about your convictions to homeschool your oldest...what a challenge! I have 2 sons 7 and 10 months and I am very inspired to meet and hear and see other moms homeschooling and having a desire to teach our children in truth and love...
Good for you! We just started homeschooling this year too and are loving it.sarah g
This curriculum looks great, I am already looking toward next years school year!
I just posted it on my FB page.
I posted it on my blog
I would love to win this book, even though I am on my fourth year of homeschooling, I still would like to grow and learn in my area as a home educator.
I was a home schooling mom for 17 years (now retired) and i would love to win this book for someone else. We have always loved VF resources.
This sounds like great resource for any homeschooling family...I would love to enter. Just found your blog today!:)
Sounds like a great book. Please enter me in the giveaway.
I really think I need that book! I've been homeschooling all of mine since day one, and the feeling of "we're about to start HIGH SCHOOL?!?!?!" is just as scary.
You are an awesome MOM! I have enjoyed perusing VF. Thanks for sharing!!
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