Monday, December 19, 2011
The Family Integrated Church

Friday, December 16, 2011
Homestead Happenings
Work is still busy for my husband as we must have set some type of record here in Northern California for the driest December to date. I do believe that our normal rainfall in December is just over 10" and I wouldn't be surprised if we've only managed 2" so far. Plus, the next 10 days shows plenty of sunshine!
Timber Ann found a favorite book of hers under a dresser... or bed.. or tucked away in a closet somewhere. It's been missing long enough that I didn't think to put it on our Favorite Book List, but it is certainly one of her favorites. Now that it has been found we're back to reading it daily. She likes to read it to me from memory. While it's not a Christian book, it upholds values that have seem to have been forgotten by this country... A daddy that goes off to work to provide for his family. A mommy that stays home to raise her children and educate them. One that loves to spend time with her little ones, not ship them off as quickly as possible. One that is diligent. A family that eats supper together. It's called Little Mommy.

Tomorrow he turns 5. Ah! Where did the time go? He was just a newborn sleeping on my chest. He was just a toddler learning to talk. And now, 5? I want to cherish every single day that I have with him because the time passes all too quickly. Soon he will be grown with a family of his own and I'll look back wondering how all of that life happened in just a blink. What a sweet, sweet blessing he is to me.

Saturday, December 10, 2011
IndoctriNation: A Review
This documentary shares verse after verse, far beyond Deuteronomy 6:4-7, to give Biblical reasoning for educating your children at home.
It also has some surprising twists (well, surprising to me at least.)
What we enjoyed the most from this film was not that it convinced us to homeschool, since we've already been convicted to do so, but that it made me rethink the way I homeschool in general. Why am I comparing my children to the children in schools? Who's standards am I trying to measure up to?
This film is also highly encouraging. It reaffirms your entire reasoning for homeschooling. I am so thankful that I purchased it as we can now watch it as often as we'd please.
I would encourage all Christian families to watch this film and then pray about what the Lord would have you to do with your children.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Our Favorite Books for Little Ones
I thought I'd share some of our little ones favorites as I always love to get ideas for good books from other moms. There really are too many fluff books for little ones out there- not to mention ones that are drawn out and honestly a bore to read.
Keep in mind that my little ones are 2, 3 and 4 so this list is geared towards those ages, or certainly younger. I hope that this list inspires you!

Blueberries for Sal

The Little House

God's Wisdom for Little Girls (and Little Boys)

All of My First Little House Books

Shape Capers

My First Oxford Book of Poems

Cowboy Small

Harold and the Purple Crayon

Anything from Beatrix Potter

I buy most of our books off of Amazon.com and 80% of the time buy them used. If I am placing a large book order then buying new sometimes works out to be less expensive if I qualify for free shipping on my order. I have also loved using Christianbook.com for books for the entire family and some of our our home education books.
Books make the most wonderful gifts for little ones, since I'm sure most of you are thinking towards Christmas now. If you have some favorite books you'd like to share, I'd love to hear about them!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
A Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window...it's already just after 8am but it is dark and gray outside. The forecast today is heavy rain/wind. At least the Maple trees are a cheery shade of autumn even if the rest of the world looks like winter
I am thinking...that I have a lot to get ready before my parents arrive this afternoon
I am thankful...for creation. What an amazing God we serve, that He could speak this wonderful beauty into existence
From the learning rooms...Thanksgiving studies, crafts and books
In the kitchen...sliced homestead raised ham for breakfast along with homemade raspberry jam on toast and this afternoon I'll make a new cheesecake with toffee
I am wearing...an old jean skirt with a grey t-shirt

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Winter is near

{Tree climbing}

{Mason turned 2!}
{ Playing in the leaves}
{ Outdoor School with our homeschool group}
{Scarecrow parties}

This Thanksgiving we won't be eating a home raised turkey. I only purchased one hen this year and about 3 months into her stay, she died. We couldn't afford the cost of purchasing another chick so we ended up buying our turkey from Azure this year. Organic turkeys have to be one of the most uneconomical animals to raise. Has that been your experience too?
If I don't get to check in again before Thanksgiving, I pray that yours is a blessed one this year! We truly have so much to be thankful for.
"Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good." Psalm 118:1
"Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" Ephesians 5:20
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
A Wonderful Homestead Giveaway!

Giveaway HERE.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
A Pumpkin Unit Study
I always have. I always will.
I don't know how I came to love them but I do and I have since as far back as I can remember. Really, I used to hug pumpkins. But that was in those weird teenage years. I don't hug them anymore but I do still love them.
When I saw this post on Growing Up Homeschooled I knew what we had to do. Pumpkins. An entire week devoted to them. Normally I don't choose the topics that my children "study" so precisely. We try to fall somewhere in the learning realm of Charlotte Mason. I lean towards unit studies and a little bit of unschooling too.

If you're interested in doing a pumpkin study here are some great resources that I have found. One of the greatest things is that a pumpkin study can be done at any time in the fall. This is not a Halloween study or a Thanksgiving study, it's simply about the pumpkins!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
When a Quilter Destashes
All fabric measurements are the inches given by 42" or 44" depending on the manufacturer, unless otherwise noted. No fabrics have been washed. All prices are for the fabric only, shipping will be added depending on where you live. I accept PayPal for purchases.
1. Heather Ross, 36" horses on green from West Hill, other prints are scraps $8

2. Strawberry Delight by Fabric Freedom, black 23", strawberry 21", green floral 21", red solid 11", $8

3. Building Blocks- American Jane for Moda, 2 cuts- 74" and 43", $18 SOLD

4. Honeycomb Harvest- Moda, 5 charm packs, 1 jelly roll, beehive print 112" , vine print 74", $65 SOLD

5. It's Snowing- Moda, Squares and circles 36", snowflakes 36", candy cane 19", dots on red 43", 1 panel with 8 snowman squares, plus 1 yd of Candy Stripe from Marcus Fabrics, $25

6. Traditions Collection For A Cause Fat Quarter Bundle for Moda- 40 Ft Qts, $55 SOLD

7. Michael Miller- horseshoes on Red 28", cow print 30", retro cowgirls 29"x38", blue bandanna 30", plus Moda red/blue letters 14", $13 Sale Pending

I hope someone can use some of this! If you feel any of the prices are too high, I'd be glad to consider offers.
Really. Make me an offer, I want this stuff gone! :)
**I forgot to add that I have 1 Peace on Earth Charm Pack (50 sqs) for $5 and 3 Hemming House Wovens Charm Packs (19?sqs each) $6 for all. HH Wovens- SOLD All charm packs are from Moda. I didn't take pictures though. If you need one, I can email it to you or you can search the collections on Google.**
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
A Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window...the sun is not quite up yet but I can see the daylight breaking
I am thinking...that having a home that is organized and runs without constant chaos makes everyone feel better
I am thankful...that my children are healthy
From the learning rooms...a pumpkin unit study
In the kitchen...pumpkin pancakes and link sausage
I am wearing...my newer denim tiered skirt and a green peasant top, barefoot
I am creating...Layton's quilt. I just finished Timber's on Monday
I am going...on a hike this morning with my kids to enjoy the crisp, fall sunshine
I am wondering... about all the fun things I'll get to bake/make for Christmas this year!
I am reading...Having a Mary Spirit and The Charlotte Mason Companion
I am hoping...that our smoked meat will be back from the butcher shop soon. We are really missing bacon!!
I am looking forward to...spending the day in the forest with my children
I am hearing...the sausage sizzling, Wyatt coming in from doing outside chores, Mason playing with toys
Around the house...dusting and vacuuming are in order!
I am pondering...how I can become better at being a help meet
One of my favorite things... the fact that Mason is almost 2 and still has that "baby" look, complete with chubbiness and all!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Swimming lessons, apple drying and canning, and enjoying, what probably will be, the last of the fall weather....before it starts raining.

Friday, October 21, 2011
Poppy and Pearl Giveaway Winner!
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2011-10-21
That means that Kimberly is our winner! Congratulations!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Recaping the 2011 Garden- A Green Bean Comparison

(Photo order: Blue Lake Pole, Royal Burgndy, Venture, Black Valentine)
(Unfortunately I took this picture at the very end of the season so I didn't have a mature Black Valentine bean to photograph. They are really much larger.)
I planted Black Valentine Bush Beans, Venture Bush Beans, Royal Burgundy Bush Beans and Blue Lake Pole Beans.
The Black Valentines came from Azure
The Venture and Blue Lakes came from Territorial
The Royal Burgundy came from Olds
Here's how they panned out...
At first I was not impressed with the Black Valentines. They are an heirloom bush bean and the flavor in my opinion was just so-so. Once I started to really compare their size to the other beans though I was pretty impressed with how large and yet tender they could be. They bush out nicely and put on beans at a steady pace. They were even still flowering when I ripped the plants out.
The Venture Bush Beans put on great tasting, very straight beans. And they put them mostly out at one time. Which isn't so bad if you have a short growing season and just want them to come on and then be done.
My Blue Lake Pole Beans.....what can I say? They were again not impressive this year. It's not the bean itself though, as I have planted this type of pole bean for 5 years in a row. Pole beans require better weather conditions than bush beans around these parts and my Blue Lake Poles just aren't getting the early start they need. The beans were very "beany". The bean shape is prominent in the pod.
And finally, Royal Burgundy. These are just a fun bean to grow because they are purple! My kids are always in awe that we have purple green beans. These were probably my least favortie bean flavor wise but they, like the Black Valentine, keep putting out the blooms and produce bean after bean. If you don't harvest them when they are of a small to medium size though they can get stringy.
How did the beans in your garden do this year? Do you have a favorite type of bean to grow?
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Poppy and Pearl Co. - A Giveaway *CLOSED*

Whether you're a Mason jar junkie like me or not, you'll still love what I've got to share.

These are perfect for our family since we steer clear of putting anything into plastic!
Hi, my name is Bobbi. I LOVE living in the beautiful town of Sonora, the place I was born and raised. I married a really cool guy 14 years ago and we now have three amazing, rowdy boys who are 8, 5, and 2. I love gardening, baking, fishing, hydrangeas, snowboarding, dates with the hubby and coffee. Coffee should have been first on the list... I think it's my #1 priority in life ; )
What gave you the desire to open Poppy and Pearl Co.?
I've always adored Etsy... it truly is genius! After working (outside the home) last year, I realized that I needed something that was "my own". I desired a career that would make me smile and allow me to work from home. I LOVE girly things and in a house full of boys I was happy at the thought of doing something that expressed "me" and also gave me a creative outlet. Several close friends of mine who are also Etsy shop owners, inspired and encouraged me to take the leap of faith, make the career change and give it a go. And so, Poppy and Pearl Co. was born on August 2nd.

Where does your inspiration come from?
My inspiration comes mostly from the vintage fabric, doilies and lace that I have collected. I've been lucky to find (and been given) so many wonderful materials. I adore vintage lace and doilies- such lovely treasures!
My new Mason Jar Tumblers featured for the giveaway are kind of like my pride and joy right now. The Mason Jar is extremely popular and so many people have created wonderful uses for them. Using them as beverage tumblers are eco-friendly and they look pretty in your hand which makes them very Poppy and Pearl. Getting the word out is a very exciting process for me!

What new items do you see Poppy and Pearl Co. creating in the future?
I would LOVE to expand my Mason Jar lids, starting with "fermenting lids" for the gallon size jars. I have been working on lace earrings and necklaces and also collecting vintage bags to add to the shop in the next few months.

Bobbi was even kind enough to send me a sample of her tumbler toppers so that I could try them out for myself.

To enter the giveaway here's what you need to do:
1. Check out the Poppy and Pearl Co. shop on Etsy and let me know, via a comment, which of Bobbi's items really catches your eye.
2. (Optional 2nd entry) Blog about this giveaway and leave a SEPARATE comment telling me you did.
3. (Optional 3rd entry) FB or Tweet this giveaway and leave a SEPARATE comment telling me that you did.
This giveaway will be open until October 20th.