I am excited about this book! To be honest, the first copy I got was to give away......but once I looked through it and saw all the fantastic recipes, I kept it for myself and ordered another to give away! Really, it's that good! I think you'll enjoy it too. This month I'll be giving away one copy of the Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving.
To enter:
1. Simply leave a comment telling me what your favorite food to can is (or one that you'd like to experiment with.)
2. For 1 additional entry, blog about the giveaway and leave an additional comment letting me know that you did.
3. For 1 additional entry, facebook or tweet about it and leave an additional comment letting me know that you did.
Contest is open to everyone until 7pm on August 21st. Winner will be drawn by Random.org on the 22nd.

To enter:
1. Simply leave a comment telling me what your favorite food to can is (or one that you'd like to experiment with.)
2. For 1 additional entry, blog about the giveaway and leave an additional comment letting me know that you did.
3. For 1 additional entry, facebook or tweet about it and leave an additional comment letting me know that you did.
Contest is open to everyone until 7pm on August 21st. Winner will be drawn by Random.org on the 22nd.
Also, if you get a chance, head on over to my new poll regarding Farmer's markets (in the left hand column) and vote!
How exciting!!!! I love to can tomatoes and green beans. Those are actually the only two things I've ever canned not counting jellies and jams. I'm ready to try new things now.
I tried canning peaches for the first time. I loved it! I want to go get more fruit and can it up. And, I can't wait for the tomatoes!
I can almost everything that comes out of our garden! Green Beans, Cucumbers become relish, bread and butter pickles and dills, strawberry/rhubarb jam, ect. Our big canning effort each year is the salsa from all the tomatoes, hot peppers and bells we grow. I love new cookbooks!
Well this year for the first time i am going to be canning peaches for my little peach to eat this winter. I am so excited!
I've never tried canning before. I would probaby start with some sort of fruit...since I love fruit!!!! Have a great weekend. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
I have the regular ball blue, but I would really love this one. count me in.
Thanks so much for this great giveaway,
Oops, I forgot to tell you that I would really like to experiment with canning soups and chilies. I really like my own recipes but I don't know if it's safe to can them.
We can pretty much everything! Love to can! Favorites would have to be salsa, dill pickles, strawberry jam, and applesauce.
Many Blessings,
The Chicken Keepers
Strawberries and tomatoes! I've never canned before though so I have no idea.
I posted about your giveaway on my facebook.
My favorite is my daughter's pizza sauce and any tomato-y she cans. We'd love to own this book! ~ Deb
I would really like to try my hand at fruits other than in jams and jellies. Also my kids, who are not great veggie lovers, will eat anything pickled. I've done the cukes but I'd like to see if beans and carrots would interest them along with any other veg.
I've put you in my sidebar. Thank you for the chance.
I like to can wax beans, although okra is fun because it's a little more 'decorative'!
I met a lady at my booth today that mentioned she cans her peaches, pears and other fruit using honey instead of sugar. I would love to try it! Thanks so much for offering up this great giveaway.
peach jam is my fav!
crazymaizy at gmail . com
We blogged about your giveaway on our blog. Great giveaway! Thank you!
The Chicken Keepers
I started writing a comment here this AM and then the internet went out! Imagine that! I was all excited about this book and poof! The connection was gone, but not my enthusiasm. I've high-tailed it back to get my comment in while I have the chance. I really could use a canning book!
My favorite thing to can are tomatoes because it's one of those things that's actually GOOD for you canned. It brings out the lycopene in the fruit. And we eat LOTS of soups in the winter here, so I never have enough canned tomatoes.
Just FB and Tweeted the give-away, too!
Hey, I ended up finding pickling cukes at our farmers market today. I'll be canning those this week. Just think, if "random" chose me, you would save a bundle on shipping!
Berries are still my favorite item to can ~ but my girlfriend just gave me a jar of corn cob jelly and that just might be my new favorite after I give it a try!
My favorite thing to can is zuchini relish.
Tomatoes are my favorite thing to can, I also do jellys & jams, garden vegetables & have canned some meats. I would love to win this book so that I can try something new.
I also posted about this on my Face Book page.
Trying to can blueberry pie filling after too many years of not canning at all.
Hello! I started canning tomatoes my first year of canning. I did only this for two years, then added green beans. Now, I can any type of vegetable or fruit we have in abundance that can be put through the canning process. Glad I found you! Am now a follower.
Good morning, Heather! I have two foods I enjoy canning the most. Tomatoes and peaches. I always canned peaches with my mother growing up, so it brings back good memories. Hope your Sunday is filled with blessings! Gail
Just added this contest to my facebook account!
I want to try all sorts of things... that's why I'd love to have this book! Thanks for the opportunity!
Hmmm I would love to can strawberries. I saw some in the $ store yesterday and they were so pretty!
I have to admit I feel silly leaving so many comments in a row...
I did blog about your blog and giveaway.
Last one, I posted about you on FB.
I do love your blog otherwise I would not try to send folks to it!
You do a wonderful job!
Strawberry Vanilla Jam is my favorite and what I wish I could be canning right now! Sounds like a wonderful book!
I would love to learn how to can meats and soups.
Great book for a giveaway! I've been using the Ball Book for 37 years...and have all of my favorites marked and notes to myself along the way.
My boyfriend and I have been making jam together and would love to try some new recipes! (Our favorite so far is strawberry.)
I love canning but my favorite are james, preserves and conserves.
I haven't actually done any canning yet but I found this great salsa recipe that I've been making and I'm hoping to can some of it soon.
Oh man!!! I hope I win this book. A friend was just telling me how she loves her Ball Canning Book. She has an older version but says that it's the best canning book she's ever used.
Hope you've had a good weekend. As I type, I've got pectin getting ready to boil for my blackberry freezer jam. yum!
I have this book! It's fantastic and anyone wanting to can needs it. Even if you've never canned before, the recipes in this book are awesome and easy to follow.
My kids say what they like best......hands down..........is APPLE BUTTER.......we pick the apples together, peel them, cut them up and cook 'em down......they help in every stage of the game........now that they are teenagers they do a lot of it and I supervise......It's wonderful........hot biscuits and apple butter......2nd is plum jelly.......yum.
Bread and butter pickled yellow squash. It is the ONLY way my husband will eat squash!
I like to can peaches...they just looks so pretty in the jar and taste so yummy in the winterm months. This year I want to try to make chicken corn soup in the pressure canner...just got one...can't wait to try it out!
I've only ever canned applesauce, peaches, salsa and jam. And I love them all. I never knew that veggies needed a pressure canner.
That book would be wonderful to have as I am starting to try more and more things...
Okay, so last year was my first foray into canning and I loved the zucchini/yellow squash relish I made. I also did some apricot jam which turned out well. I would really love to try to make some spicy/pickled carrots. I have been experimenting with a recipe but haven't gotten it right yet! Thanks for the opportunity to win :)
Would love to win this for my daughter who is new to canning and is always borrowing my stuff....I don't mind at all, but I know she'd like her own. :)
I can jams mostly these days, but dilly beans are on my list if I can get someone to pick the beans for me!
I don't know how to can, but have been reading up on the process in hopes of attempting it soon! The first thing I'd like to try is peaches and/or peach pie filling!
I have been doing alot of research on planting, growing and canning your own food!! Winning this book would be AWESOME!! XXOO, Damaris
Our family LOVES to can salsa! I'd love to venture out and start canning more fruits and vegetables. I've only used the water bath method, but the pressure canning intrigues me since meat would be great to have in our root cellar!
I would like to can anything. I have a pressure cooker, bottles and all to do it. I'm paranoid about doing something wrong and having something go bad. I guess I just need to do it and get over the fears.
Banana peppers are fantastic canned!
Tomatoes are easy and useful!
I blogged about the giveaway at http://themidnightgardener.wordpress.com/
What a great giveaway!
I've been canning for quite awhile and I love it.......and so does my family. I'm only recently trying some new things like different canned beans and soups.
Hi Heather,
I just posted your giveaway on my blog.
By the way, the red and white quilt in my side bar on my blog was not made by me. I'm actually starting on one a a couple of weeks. Red and White quilts are my favorite.
Have a great weekend,
You're so generous! I love canning salsa...last year we canned moose for the first time and it was GREAT!
Yum...I have many fond memories of the taste of canned peaches...I would LOVE to taste those again :)
Please enter me for a chance in your give-away...I've added your blog to MyYahoo so I can keep up with your blog.
Smiles, DianeM
How wonderful! I would love to enter your giveaway! I have wanted this book for my hope chest!
Miss Antoinette
I've canned a lot more this year than I have in the past. Lots of jam, peach pie filling, and tomato sauce. As soon as apples are ready, and if I have the energy (being 30 weeks pregnant and all) we'll be making applesauce and canned apple pie filling (which is my favorite). Your peaches look wonderful!
Well, I'm like new to food canning, but I would like to learn it, it's why I want to win! ;o)
The only think I canned in my life was a total flop! It was a red berry (don't know the name) and I wanted to make jelly out of it and at the end it was the EXACT same color as Pepto Bismol! ;o((
But I would really like to can pumpkin because it's been like 20 years since my grand-mother stopped canning it and I loved it! Yum!
My favorite thing to can is chunky applesauce, with tomato sauce coming in a close second. The colors, the texture, the FLAVORS! Yum. Wonderful.
I am a SALSA canner. Just did 33 quarts on Thursday!
Jellys and jams are my favorites, but now that I am really getting into this canning thing, I want to experiment more and more!
Thanks for a chance on the book and for your tips and info!
This is my 2nd year of really canning...I am loving it...We canned that last of our tomatoes yesterday and it felt very sad to know harvesting the garden is almost done :( But as for your question, I love to can relishes...just about any kind...I love to see how they will look in the jars after they are processed...
Thanks for blogging :)
Happy Canning!
I have only canned tomatoes, other than jams and jellies. I am looking forward to doing pickles and pumpkins this year as well. I'm big on freezing. I freeze corn, green beans, green peppers, and peas, that all come out of my garden.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love to can anything that is from the garden. When I can I dont worry about there being "snake heads, grasshoppers or anything else in the jar other than what I put in it. Would love to have a chance to win this wonderful book.
Thanks for giving it away.
I love to can anything that is from the garden. When I can I dont worry about there being "snake heads, grasshoppers or anything else in the jar other than what I put in it. Would love to have a chance to win this wonderful book.
Thanks for giving it away.
Tomatoes, Tomatoes, Tomatoes! Everytime I open a jar it smells like summer!
I love to can anything with fruit. I actually messed up a strawberry merlot jam by actually following the directions and not adding pectin to get it to jam up (the author left the pectin off the list of ingredients). It's one of my family's favorite cake and ice cream topping. I can't wait to try applesauce with honeycrisp apples this year and whole cranberry sauce around Thanksgiving!
I posted the giveaway on my facebook page!
oh! I would LOVE to win this!!! :)
Honestly, I like to can everything! :) (except beets...oh they are *not* fun!) I love to do peaches, green beans and corn! :)
thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com
I tweeted!! :) https://twitter.com/KatyLMA/status/21565902162
thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com
The only thing I've ever tried is some jams and jellies. But I would love to attempt to can foods with a pressure canner. Unfortunately, I don't have one LOL! But someday I'm hoping to be the proud owner of one ...
This year, I am soooo into canning pickles. The first couple batches I made turned out so well, I'm encouraged to make even more! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I have blogged about your giveaway so that makes 2 entries for me! :)
Miss Antoinette
I'd like to be entered! :) I've always wanted to can pickles..or jam.
I just found out about your giveaway! Please enter me! Although I have been canning for many years, one is never too old to learn something new. And I have a couple of daughters that would like to learn to do some canning on their own so perhaps, if I won this book, it would go to one of them!
While not my favorite food to can, I love to have it on hand. I have just finished 100 lbs of tuna! Once you've had home canned, you will never go back to that stuff in the grocery store they call tuna! (My cats won't even eat it!)
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I would love to enter this giveaway. I have had my eye on this book. I don't have a favorite thing to can as I recently got my water bather and looking forward to canning my first thing. Some pasta sauce or something.
Our favorite thing would be Peach Jam, it taste so much better than anything from the store.
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