Tuesday, August 31, 2010

the best green beans

This is a re-post back from September of last year but I felt compelled to share it again because we are once again bursting with green beans and I've been making this about every other night with dinner. Each time I make it I am thankful for this food that the Lord has blessed our garden with. I know that it will only last for a short period of time (until the rains come) so I try and squeeze it into any meal I can, soaking up the freshness of the season!

We have a lot of green beans in the garden. I mean A LOT. And I do can them but we try, of course, to eat as many fresh ones as possible since they don't get any healthier than that. My husband has now set a limit on how often we can have them (2 x per week) since if I had my way, we'd eat them every night! Gavin actually gave me this recipe (if you even want to call it that) and it is sooooooo good. I thought I'd share.
Here's what you'll need;
Some fresh green beans, cut to a desired length- how many depends on how much you'll eat
Lots of garlic, chopped- when I make ours I use about 5 good sized cloves but more is always better!
Olive oil- maybe 1/8 of a cup or so
Sea Salt (optional)
A skillet or a wok

Heat the oil in the skillet but remember that you can't get it too hot- olive oil doesn't tolerate high temps very well.
Once the oil is hot, throw in the garlic and cut green beans and start stirring. This is similar to stir frying so you don't want the green beans to sit for a long time in one place, otherwise they tend to get kinda soggy. Stir fry for 5-10 minutes depending on how cooked you want your beans.

When they're done, they'll look like this:

Sprinkle with salt, if desired, and serve warm....... and be ready to get a second helping and a third and a fourth because they are so yummy!


Leslie said...

this looks like something i could go for for lunch...or anytime. my sister makes something like this but adds peanuts to it. very good!!!

Kimberly said...

Yum! I love to make them like this, but with sesame oil. Mmmm. It's how we ate them all the time when I lived in China.

Anonymous said...

They look like my favorite beans at the Chinese buffet! I could eat them more than twice a week. =)

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

This is exactly how I make them! It's the only way the kids like them. I haven't had boiled green beans in ages. I could eat these every night too.

Carol said...

Oh I love green beans this way and sometimes I'll even add some toasted sesame seeds.

Laura said...

Good Morning!
We have a large abundance of green beans as well...and I am always looking for new ideas! This sounds so yummy...think I'll try it tonight!
Thanks for sharing!

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