Monday, September 14, 2009

the harvest

This weekend we picked corn, corn and more corn. Then I canned it all. The garden is pretty much done for the year. We do still have green beans coming on and the second round of peas will be ready to pick in about a week or two. We still have tomatoes too. But it's raining here today as it did yesterday. The weather is turning cooler and as I sit now at the computer and look out the window, I can see the leaves falling off of our huge maple tree out front. Plus, I just built a fire. Yeah, summer is over. Welcome fall!

Here's a few shots from this weekend.

Layton is quite the little helper. Of course, he usually eats more green beans than he actually picks and tends to want to eat each ear of corn that he shucks but a little help is better than none at all right? :)


Unknown said...

He is such a good helper! He's really cute too so that's a bonus. Have you ever checked out It seems like something you'd be interested in seeing although you may already have. I'll be home tomorrow for awhile, can't wait to see everyone!

Cheryl said...

beautiful.... everything!

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