Being pregnant obviously makes your senses more heightened. For instance, I can't stand the smell of coffee when I'm pregnant. With Layton it was cooking broccoli. With this baby it is unfortunately the smell of dirty diapers. Not helpful since I cloth diaper the kids- meaning I can't just wrap up the stinky and throw it away. Cleaning diapers yesterday almost made me dash for the toilet. Then I thought to myself- "Women have cloth diapered (in some way or another) their kids for hundreds of years and washed them when they were stinky- I can do this too!" Now, when I'm not pregnant, cleaning diapers is a cinch! But here's what I was thinking of asking Gavin to build for me..................

Do you think it's too extreme?
Whatever works!!
That's awesome :) I definetely think that's a neccessity for a pregnant momma. I will try to make it over this morning.
cute... yes, whatever works!
Not too extreme at all! I was the same way when pregnant with #2. I just could not do it and would leave them for hubby when he got home. A gross little pile outside but otherwise I would totally wretch.
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